Prayer Request

Whatever chapter of your life... whether struggling in school, starting a new family, or dealing with addiction, illness, or death... you're never alone at Beaumont's First Baptist Church! Let us know what your challenges are and we will pray for you. If you wish, your prayer request will also be posted below, so the whole Church (not just our staff) may together pray to God that He will ensure your well-being.

Please Pray!

Below are prayer requests that have been submitted by our congregants. Please pray for these people (and click the "hands" so they know that someone did)!


Please pray mightily for the family of Kellys. Pray for the lord to arise on our behalf and scatter our enemies also that God guards our spirits souls and bodies and restore the souls in Jesus holy name. Pray too that God will cause His many to pray against the wicked who want o terrorize and offend the family Pay for the many in Christ Jesus to pray by the Darling Holy Spirit. Pray that God keep us all in peace and security and that he makes our enemeis our footstool and manifest His word.


Pray that legal proceedings stop immediately, thank you.


My heart is breaking. Donald Trump continues to lash out at others with vulgar and hate-filled words. He criticizes those who serve and ridicules those who give their lives for others. I pray that our church will declare itself on the side of moral decency and sacrifice. Character matters and it is time for all Christian to say so. I pray it will happen soon.


Steve Coe (Son of Rose Coe) Recent cancer diagnosis; receiving care at MD Anderson and awaiting treatment plan


Please uphold me in prayer for a complete healing of my leukemia cancer, which I have been diagnosed with since Jan 2023. I am still undergoing treatment. Thank You